Data structure through c
Previous year question paper with solutions for Data structure through c
Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Data structure through c . Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our DS question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.
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- Define Algorithm
- Explain array with an example.
- Define time complexity of an algorithm.
- Explain stack with example.
- Give any two advantages of using linked list.
- Convert the infix notation (A + B) * (C – D) to postfix.
- Explain sparse matrix with example.
- Explain dequeue with example.
- Explain circular queue in brief.
- Define an algorithm.
- Write the best-case and worst-case complexity of an algorithm.
- How do you represent a list if strings in memory?
- Differentiate linear and non linear data structures.
- Write overflow and underflow conditions for a linked list.
- What is external sorting and internal sorting?
- Define a sparse matrix.
- Write an algorithm to push an element on a stack.
- What is a priority queue?
- Define a binary tree and a binary search tree.