Introduction: Introduction to Operating System Concepts (including Multitasking, multiprogramming, multi user, Multithreading
etc)., Types of Operating Systems: Batch operating system, Time-sharing systems, Distributed OS, Network OS, Real Time OS; Various
Operating system services, architecture, System programs and calls.
Process Management: Process concept, process scheduling, operation on processes; CPU scheduling, scheduling criteria,
scheduling algorithms -First Come First Serve (FCFS), Shortest-Job-First (SJF), Priority Scheduling, Round Robin(RR), Multilevel
Queue Scheduling.
Memory Management: Logical & Physical Address Space, swapping, contiguous memory allocation, non-contiguous memory
allocation paging and segmentation techniques, segmentation with paging; virtual memory management - Demand Paging & PageReplacement
Algorithms; Demand Segmentation.
File System: Different types of files and their access methods, directory structures, various allocation methods, disk scheduling and
management and its associated algorithms, Introduction to distributed file system.
Process-Synchronization & Deadlocks: Critical Section Problems, semaphores; methods for handling deadlocks-deadlock
prevention, avoidance & detection; deadlock recovery.
Section D
I/O Systems: I/O Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel, Transforming I/O requests, Performance Issues and Thresds
Unix System And Windows NT Overview
Unix system call for processes and file system management, Shell interpreter, Windows NT architecture overview, Windows NT file