Evolution of Components Systems Programming, Assemblers, Loaders, Linkers, Macros, Compilers. software tools, Text editors,
Interpreters and program generators, Debug Monitors, Programming environment.
Compiler: Brief overview of compilation process, Incremental compiler, Assembler: Problem statement, single phase and two phase
assembler, symbol table; Loader schemes, compile and go Loader, general loader schemes, absolute loader, Subroutine linkage,
Reallocating loader, Direct linkage Loader, Binders, Linking loader, overlays.
Macro language and macro-processor, macro instructions, features of macro facility, macro instruction arguments, conditional macro
expansion, macro calls with macro instruction defining macros.
Theoretical Concept of Unix Operating System: Basic features of operating system; File structure: CPU scheduling; Memory
management: swapping, demand paging; file system: block and fragments, inodes, directory structure; User to user communication.
Getting Started with Unix: User names and groups, logging in; Format of Unix commands; Changing your password; Characters with
special meaning; Unix documentation; Files and directories; Current directory, looking at the directory contents, absolute and relative
pathnames, some Unix directories and files; Looking at the file contents; File permissions; basic operation on files; changing permission
modes; Standard files, standard output; Standard input, standard error; filters and pipelines; Processes; finding out about processes;
Stopping background process; Unix editor vi.
Test Manipulation: Inspecting files; File statistics; Searching for patterns; Comparing files; Operating on files; Printing files;
Rearranging files; Sorting files; Splitting files; Translating characters; AWK utility.
Shell Programming: Programming in the Borne and C-Shell; Wild cards; Simple shell programs; Shell variables; Shell programming
constructs; interactive shell scripts; Advanced features.
System Administration: Definition of system administration; Booting the system; Maintaining user accounts; File systems and special
files; Backups and restoration; Role and functions of a system manager. Overview of the linux. operating system