Section A
Introduction To Compilers: Compilers and translators need of translators, structure of compiler
:its different phases, Compiler construction
Lexical Analysis: Role of lexical analyzer, design of lexical analyzer, regular expressions ,
Specification and recognition of tokens, input buffering, A language specifying lexical analyzer.
Finite automata, conversion from regular expression to finite automata, and vice versa, minimizing number
of states of DFA, Implementation of lexical analyzer.
Section B
Syntax Analysis: Role of parsers, context free grammars, definition of parsing.
Parsing Technique: Shift- reduce parsing, operator precedence parsing, top down par sing,
predictive parsing.
Section C
LR parsers, SLR, LALR and Canonical LR parser.
Syntax Directed Translations: Syntax directed definition, construction of syntax trees, syntax directed
translation scheme, implementation of syntax directed translation, three address code, quadruples and triples.
Section D
Symbol Table & Error Detection And Recovery: Symbol tables, its contents and data structure for symbol
tables; trees, arrays, linked lists, hash tables. Errors, lexical phase error, syntactic phase error,
semantic error.
Code Optimization & Code Generation: Code generation, forms of objects code, machine
dependent code, optimization, register allocation for temporary and user defined variables.