Previous year question paper for TD (B-TECH Mechanical Engineering 3rd)


Previous year question paper with solutions for Thermodynamics from 2013 to 2017

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Thermodynamics from 2013 to 2017. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our TD question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

 Unit I Basic Concepts: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches, Thermodynamic Systems,

Surrounding and Boundary, Thermodynamic Property – Intensive and Extensive,

Thermodynamic Equilibrium, State, Path, Process and Cycle, Quasi-static, Reversible and

Irreversible Processes, Working Substance. Concept of Thermodynamic Work and Heat,

Equality of Temperature, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic and its utility. Problems.

Unit II First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy and its Forms, Energy and 1st law of Thermodynamics,

Internal Energy and Enthalpy, PMMFK, Steady flow energy equation, 1st Law Applied to Nonflow

process, Steady Flow Process and Transient Flow Process, Throttling Process and Free

Expansion Process. Problems.

Unit III Second Law of Thermodynamics: Limitations of First Law, Thermal Reservoir, Heat Source

and Heat Sink, Heat Engine, Refrigerator and Heat Pump, Kelvin- Planck and Clausius

Statements and their Equivalence, PMMSK. Carnot Cycle, Carnot Heat Engine and Carnot Heat

Pump, Carnot Theorem and its Corollaries, Thermodynamic Temperature Scale. Entropy,

Clausius Inequality, Principle of Entropy Increase, Temperature Entropy Plot, Entropy Change

in Different Processes, Introduction to Third Law of Thermodynamics. Problems.

Unit IV Availability and Irreversibility: High and Low Grade Energy, Availability and Unavailable

Energy, Loss of Available Energy Due to Heat Transfer Through a Finite Temperature

Difference, Dead state of a system, Availability of a Non-Flow or Closed System, Availability

of a Steady Flow System, Helmholtz and Gibb’s Functions, Effectiveness and Irreversibility,

Second law efficiencies of processes & cycles. Problems.

Unit V Pure Substance: Pure Substance and its Properties, Phase and Phase Transformation,

Vaporization, Evaporation and Boiling, Saturated and Superheat Steam, Solid – Liquid –

Vapour Equilibrium, T-V, P-V and P-T Plots During Steam Formation, Properties of Dry, Wet

and Superheated Steam, Property Changes During Steam Processes, Temperature – Entropy (TS)

and Enthalpy – Entropy (H-S) Diagrams, Throttling and Measurement of Dryness Fraction of

Steam. Problems.

Unit VI Ideal and Real Gases: Concept of an Ideal Gas, Basic Gas Laws, Characteristic Gas Equation,

Avogadro’s law and Universal Gas Constant, P-V-T surface of an Ideal Gas. Vander Waal’s

Equation of state, Reduced Co-ordinates, Compressibility factor and law of corresponding

states. Mixture of Gases, Mass, Mole and Volume Fraction, Gibson Dalton’s law, Gas Constant

and Specific Heats, Entropy for a mixture of non-reactive gases. Problems.

Unit VII Thermodynamic Relations: Maxwell Relations, Clapeyron Equation, Relations for

changes in Enthalpy and Internal Energy & Entropy, Specific Heat Capacity Relations,

Joule Thomson coefficient & inversion curve.
