1. Introduction: (02 hrs)
1.1 Basic principles of surveying
1.2 Concept and purpose of surveying, measurements-linear and angular, units
of measurements
1.3 Instruments used for taking these measurements, classification based on
surveying instruments
2. Chain surveying: (03 hrs)
2.1 Purpose of chain surveying, principles of chain surveying and its
advantages and disadvantages
2.2 Obstacles in chain surveying
2.3 Direct and indirect ranging offsets and recording of field notes
2.4 Errors in chain surveying and their corrections
3. Compass surveying: (07 hrs)
3.1 Purpose of compass surveying. Use of prismatic compass: Setting and
taking observations
3.2 Concept of following with simple numerical problems:
a) Meridian - Magnetic and true
b) Bearing - Magnetic, True and Arbitrary
c) Whole circle bearing and reduced bearing
d) Fore and back bearing
e) Magnetic dip and declination
3.3 Local attraction - causes, detection, errors and corrections, problems on
local attraction, magnetic declination and calculation of included angles in
a compass traverse
4. Levelling: (10 hrs)
4.1 Purpose of levelling, concept of a level surface, horizontal surface, vertical
surface, datum, reduced level and bench marks
4.2 Identification of various parts of Dumpy level and use of Dumpy level, Engineer’ level, Auto level: advantages and disadvantages, use of auto
4.3 Concepts of line of collimation, axis of the bubble tube, axis of the
telescope and vertical axis
4.4 Levelling staff: single piece, folding, invar precision staff, telescopic
4.5 Temporary adjustment and permanent adjustment of dumpy level by two
peg method.
4.6 Concept of back sight, foresight, intermediate sight, change point, to
determine reduce levels
4.7 Level book and reduction of levels by
4.7.1 Height of collimation method and
4.7.2 Rise and fall method
4.8 Arithmetic checks, problem on reduction of levels, fly levelling, check
leveling and profile levelling (L-section and X-section), errors in levelling,
permissible limits, reciprocal leveling. Numerical problems.
4.9 Computations of Areas of regular figures and irregular figures. Simpson’s
rule: prismatic formula and graphical method use of planimeter for
computation of areas, numerical problems
5. Plane Table Surveying (10 hrs)
5.1 Purpose of plane table surveying, equipment used in plane table survey:
5.2 Setting of a plane table:
(a) Centering
(b) Levelling
(c) Orientation
5.3 Methods of plane table surveying
(a) Radiation,
(b) Intersection
(c) Traversing
(d) Resection
5.4 Concept of Two point and Three point problems (Concept only)
5.5 Errors in plane table survey and precautions to control them. Testing and
adjustment of plane table and alidad