1. Atomic structure of metals & crystal system, crystallographic notation of atomic planes,
polymorphism and allotropy, solidification of crystallization (i) nuclear formation (crystal growth) (ii)
crystal imperfection Elementary treatment of theories of plastic deformation, phenomenon of slip
twinning, dislocation, identification of crystallographic possible slip planes and direction in FCC, BCC,
C.P., recovery, re-crystallization, preferred orientation causes and effects on the property of metals.
2. General principles of phase transformation in alloys, phase rule and equilibrium diagrams,
Equilibrium diagrams of (i) Binary system in which the components form a mechanical mixture of
crystals in the solid state and are completely mutually soluble in both liquid state. (ii) systems whose
components have complete mutual solubility in the liquid state and limited solubility in the solid state
in which the solid state solubility deceases with temperature(iii) alloys whose components have
complete mutual solubility in the liquid state and limited solubility in solid state (iv) system whose
components are subject to allotropic change. Iron carbon equilibrium diagram and their Phase
3 Engineering materials and their properties, classification. Classification of ferrous and non-ferrous
materials. Classification of cast iron-properties and their applications. Effects of alloying elements on
properties of steel, carbon steel, low alloy steels, stainless steel, tool steels and die steels. Alloys of
Ni, Al, Cu, Mg; properties and their applications. Classification of composite materials and their
properties and applications.
4. Heat treatment and surface treatment: Heat treatment of steel – Annealing, Normalising, Hardening
and tempering with their types and application to automotive components, surface hardening
techniques, Induction, flame and chemical hardening, coating of wear and corrosion resistance,
Electroplating. Phosphating, Anodizing, hot dipping, thermal spraying, hard facing and thin film
5. Selection of materials: Cryogenic wear, corrosion, fatigue, creep and oxidation resistance
application. criteria of selecting materials for automotive components viz cylinder block, Cylinder
head, piston, piston ring, Gudgeon pin, connecting rod, crank shaft, crank case, cam, cam shaft,
engine valve, gear wheel, clutch plate, axle, bearings, chassis, spring, body panel - radiator, brake
lining etc.
Application of non-metallic materials such as composite, ceramic and polymers in automobile.