Previous year question paper for FE (B-TECH civil engineering 6th)


Previous year question paper with solutions for FOUNDATION ENGINEERING from 2016 to 2020

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for FOUNDATION ENGINEERING from 2016 to 2020. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our FE question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.


Shallow Foundation-I:

Type of shallow foundation Depth and factors affecting it. Definition of ultimate bearing capacity, safe b.c. and allowable b.c. Rankine’s analysis and Terzaghi’s analysis. Types of failures. Factors affecting bearing capacity. Skemptons equation. B.I.S. recommendations for shape, depth and inclination factors. Plate Load test and standard penetration Test. Their procedure, merits and demerits Factors affecting 'N' value Corrections to be applied to observed value.

2. Shallow Foundation-II:

Bosussinesq equation for a point load, uniformly loaded circular and rectangular area, pressure distribution diagrams. Newmarks chart and its construction. Two - to - one method of load distribution. Comparison of Bosussinesq and westerguard analysis for a point load. Limitations of elastic formula. Contact pressure Distribution. Causes of settlement of structures comparison of Immediate and consolidation settlement calculation of settlement by plate load Test and Static Cone penetration test data. Allowable settlement of various structures according to I.S. Code. Situation most suitable for provision of rafts. Proportioning of rafts in sand-s and Clays. Various methods of designing raft. Floating foundation. 3. Machine Foundations: Basic definition of theory of vibration terms, Analysis of theory of single degree system for :-

i. Free vibrations.

ii. Damped Free vibration

iii. Forced vibrations with constant Harmonic Excitation (Frequency response curves) Dynamic soil properties (Equivalent spring constants) Determination of Cu by cyclic plate load test and Block vibration test. Natural frequency of foundation-soil system by Barkans Method. Co-relation between Cu and other dynamic properties of soil. Type of machine Foundations - Neat sketches and brief description.

4. Soil Investigation:

Object of soil investigation for new and existing structures. Depth of exploration for different structures. Spacing of bore Holes. Methods of soil exploration and relative merits and demerits. Types of soil sample. Design features of sampler affecting sample disturbance. Essential features and application of the following types of samples. i. Open Drive samples ii. Stationery piston sampler iii. Rotary sampler Geophysical exploration by seismic and resistivity methods. Bore Hole log for S.P.T.

5. Pile Foundations – I:

Necessity and uses of piles classification of piles. Merits and demerits of different types based on composition. Types of pile driving hammers & their comparison. Effect of pile driving on adjacent ground. Use of engineering News Formula and Hiley's Formula for determination of allowable load. Limitations of pile driving formulae. Pile load test-object, prerequisites, test arrangement, procedure and assessment of safe load. Separation of skin friction and point resistance using cyclic pile load test date. Related numerical problems.

6. Pile Foundation – II:

Determination of point resistance and frictional resistance of a single pile by Static formulas. Piles in Clay-Safe load on a Friction and point Bearing pile. Pile in sand Spacing of piles in a group, factors affecting capacity of a pile group by Terzaghi - peck approach. Efficiency of pile group by converse - Labare formula and fleds formulas. Bearing capacity of apile group in clay by block failure and individual action approach. Approximate methods for determination of stress on lower strata in pile groups. Calculation of settlement of friction pile group in clay using the following equation.

S = H x Cc Log10 (Sigma + del Sigma ) 1+ eo Sigma Related Numerical problems.

Settlement of pile groups in sand Negative skin friction.

7. Caissons and Wells:

Major areas of use of caissons advantages and disadvantages of open box and pneumatic caissons. Essential part of a pneumatic caisson. Components of a well foundation. Calculation of allowable bearing pressure. Conditions for stability of a well, Terzagh's analysis for  lateral stability for a light well-embedded in sand. Modification of the analysis for a heavy well. Forces acting on a well foundation. Computation of scour depth.
