1. Register Transfer and Microoperations: Register transfer language & operations, arithmetic
microoperations, logic microoperations, shift microoperations, arithmetic logic shift unit. Design of a complete
basic computer and its working. [5]
2. Basic Computer Organisation and Design: Instruction codes, Computer registers, Computer Instructions,
Timing and control, Instruction Cycle, Memory reference instructions, Input/ Output and Interrupt, Design of
basic Computer, Design of Accumulator Logic. [6]
3. Design of Control Unit: Control memory, design of control unit - microprogrammed, hardwired, and their
comparative study. [3]
4. Central Processing Unit: General Register Organisation, Stack Organisation, Instruction formats, Addressing
Modes, Data transfer and manipulations, Program control, RISC and CISC architecture. [6]
5. Input-Output Organisation: Peripheral devices, I/O Interface, asynchronous data transfer, modes of transfer,
priority interrupt, DMA, I/O processor, serial communication. [5]
6. Memory Organisation: Memory hierarchy, main memory, auxiliary memory, associative memory, cache
memory, virtual memory, memory management hardware. [6]
7. Advanced concepts of Computer Architecture: Concept of pipeline, Arithmetic pipeline, Instruction , vector
processors and array processors. Introduction to parallel processing, Interprocessor communication &