1. Diode Circuits Quantitative analysis of the behavior of pn junction depletion layer,
capacitance and current; storage capacitance and conductance, diode equivalent circuit; barrier
potential at metal semiconductor interface, rectifying and ohmic contacts.
2. Bipolar Junction Transistors Junction Transistor, current components, transistor as an
amplifier, construction, CB, CE and EC configurations, analytical expressions for transistor
characteristics, transistor at low frequency, Hybrid model, H-para-meters conversion formulas,
analysis using h-parameters, cascading transistor amplifiers, transistor at high freq. And its hybrid
(pi) CE. Model, power transistor switching transistors, R. F. transistors, Pin-diode, L. E. D.,
L.C.D, Photo diode, photo transistors.
3. Field Effect Transistors The JFET, V-I characteristics, pinch off voltage small signal mode
MOSFET, Digital MOSFET circuits, low-frequency C-S and C-D amplifiers.
4. Transistor Biasing and Stablization Operating print, Bias stability, various biasing circuits,
stabilization against variation in Ico, Vbe and Beta, Bias compensation, Thermister and senistor
compensation. Thermal Runway, Thermal stability Biasing the FET, FET as a VVR, CS amp. At
high freq. CD amp. At high freq.
5. Power Amplifiers Classification of amplifier, analysis of class A,B,C and AB Amplifiers,
push pull amplifier, complementary symmetry and paraphase amp. Distortion in amp., Freq.
Response of an amp. Its graphical analysis, harivieau distortion, power distortion, heat sinks.
6. Multistage Amplifiers Types of Multistage amplifiers like RC, LC, transformer coupled, D.C.
amplifiers, their Freq. Response curves and analysis, tuned amplifiers and wideband amplifiers
and their analysis.
7. Feedback Amplifiers Feedback concept, transfer again with feedback characteristics of
negative feedback amplifiers, input and output resistance, method of analysis of feedback
amplifiers, voltage series, current series, voltage shunt and current shunt feedback.
8. Rectifiers and Power Supplies Oscillators: Different types of oscillators: RC Phase shift,
weight Bridge, Hanley, Colpitt, Crystal Oscillators using OPAMPS.