INTRODUCTION: Advantages of IC’s, General classification of IC’s(Linear/Digital IC’s ,
Monolithic/ Hybrid IC’s), Basic IC fabrication steps
CRYSTAL GRTOWTH AND EPITAXY: Starting material for formation of crystal, Horizontal
Bridgeman Method, Czochralski growth, Distribution of dopants, Zone refining, Silicon Float
Zone process, Si-Wafer preparation, Epitaxial growth, Techniques used for epitaxial
SILICON OXIDATION: Thermal oxidation process (Kinetics of growth , Thin oxide growth),
Effect of impurities on the oxidation rate, Preoxidation Cleaning, Various oxidation
techniques, Masking properties of SiO2 , IV PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY AND ETCHING, Pattern
generation/Mask making, Contact and Proximity printing, Photoresistsl, Photolithography
Process(Lift off technology , Fine line photolithography), Wet/Dry etching, Reactive Plasma
etching techniques and applications
DIFFUSION AND ION IMPLANTATION: Basic diffusion process(Diffusion equation,
Diffusion profiles), Extrinsic diffusion, Lateral Diffusion, Ion Implantation Process (Ion
distribution , Ion Stopping), Implant Damage and Annealing process (Furnace and RTA), VI
IC PACKAGING, Isolation Techniques, Testing of the Chip, Wire Bonding techniques, Flip
Chip technique, Various Packaging methods and Materials, VII FABRICATION OF
MONOLITHIC COMPONENTS, Fabrication of Diodes, Resistors, capacitors and inductors,
Fabrication of BJT and FET, Fabrication of MOS Devices , CMOS fabrication techniques(nwell
and p-well process sequences), Introduction to MEMS.