Objectives: This course will provide the knowledge of Java and prepare students to bein a position to write object oriented programs in Java.Overview of Java: Object oriented programming, Two paradigms, abstraction, thethree OOP principles, Java class librariesDate types, Variables and Arrays: Integers, floating-point types, characters, Boolean,Iterates, Variable, Data types and casting, automatic type promotion in expressions,arrays.Operators and Control Statements: Arithmetic operators, bit wise operators,relational operators, Boolean logical operators, the ? Operator, operator precedence,Java's selection statements, iteration statements, jump statements.Introduction to Classes: Class fundamentals, declaring object reference variable,Introducing methods,method.constructors, this keyword, garbage collection, the finalize ()Methods and Classes: Overloading methods, using objects as parameters, recursion.Inheritance: Inheritance basics, using super, method overriding, dynamic methoddispatch, using abstract Classes, Using final with inheritance, Package and Interfaces,Package access protection, importing packages.Exception Handling: Exception handling fundamentals, Exception types, UncaughtExceptions Using try and catch, multiple catch clauses, nested try statements, throw,finally Java’s built-inexceptions.exceptions, creating your own exception sub classes, usingMultithreaded Programming: The Java thread model, the main thread, creatingthread, creating multiple threads, using is alive () and join (), Thread priorities,synchronization, Inter thread communications, suspending resuming and stoppingthreads.String Handling: The string constructors, string length, special string operations,character extraction, string comparison, searching string, modifying string, dataconversion, changing the case of characters, string buffer.I/O and Applets: I/O Basics, Reading Console Input, Writing Console Output,Reading and Writing Files, Applet Fundamentals, Applet Architecture, The HTMLApplet tag, Passing parameters to Applets.Networking: Networking basics, Java and the Net, TCP/IP Client Sockets URL, URLConnection, TCP/IP Server Sockets, Database connectivity.