INTRODUCTION General requirements to machine tools, Machine tool design recommendations, Classification of motions to shape surface, Machine tool drives for rectilinear motion, Periodic motion, reversing motion etc.
KINEMATICS OF MACHINE TOOLS, Kinematics or gearing diagram of Lathe, drilling Machine, Milling Machine etc. Main. drive and feed drive, principles specification of Machine tool.
DESIGN OF KINEMATICS SCHEME. Methods to determine transmission ratios for drives,. Development of Kinematics scheme, minimum of transmission transmission groups, Determination of number of teeth on gears.
SPEED AND FEED BOXES; General requirement Design of gear trains, speed boxes types, speed changing devices Feed boxes characteristics of feed mechanism, types of Rapid traverse mechanisms, variable devices.
SPINDLE DESIGN AND SPINDLE BEARINGS. Main requirement, Materials and details of spindle design, Spindle bearings, bearings, types of bearings and their selections, Bearing Materials
BED, COLUMNS, TABLES AND WAYS; Materials, typical constructions and design.
MACHINE TOOLS CONTROL SYSTEMS Requirement of control system selection and construction of control systems Mechanical control system, predilection control, remote control safety devices.
MACHINE TOOL DYNAMICS Dynamic performance, dynamic and elastic system of Machine, tools. Dynamics of cutting forces, tool chatter.