Concept of spreadsheet and its use in business management.
Excel as a part of M-Office, and its structure and capabilities, drawing toolbars.
Selection of cells, entering and editing data and text, entering formulae.
Operating Excel: concept of workbook and worksheet, serial fill, formatting text in cells
and on the worksheet. Entering and pasting formulas, creating a chart. Use of Excel as a
database, data filters and forms.
Excel Functions: max, min, Sqrt, sum, sum if, mean, mode, median, and using statistical
functions, date, count, countif.
MS-Outlook: Using MS-Outlook for managing e-mail, calender, appointments, tasks and
address book.
Internet: A brief history of origin of internet. Various applications of Internet such as email,
information gathering, retailing etc.
Various methods of connecting to the net e.g. dial up, ISDN and broadband. Use of
Microsoft Internet explorer.
A brief introduction to Internet addressing, Internet protocols (TCP/IP, FTP and HTTP).
Use of search engines and e-mail messages. Netiquettes.