Previous year question paper for WT-2 (BSC-IT 5th)

Web technologies-2

Previous year question paper with solutions for Web technologies-2 from 2014 to 2019

Our website provides solved previous year question paper for Web technologies-2 from 2014 to 2019. Doing preparation from the previous year question paper helps you to get good marks in exams. From our WT-2 question paper bank, students can download solved previous year question paper. The solutions to these previous year question paper are very easy to understand.

Getting Started with Active Server Pages :- What are Active Server Pages ? (Understanding

the Client Server Model, How ASP differs from Client-Side Scripting Technologies); Running

ASP Pages (Setting Up Personal Web Server, Setting Up Internet Information Server, Using ASP

without IIS or PWS); Creating You First ASP Pages.

Dissecting You First ASP Script :- Understanding ASP Scripts (What Does Response.Write

Do ?, The <%=Shortcut, What’s with the <%@ LANGUAGE=VBSCRIPT%>?, Writing ASP Code

Without Using <%…%>, Comments, Line Continuation Character); What You ASP Script

Returned to the Browser; The ASP Process.

Working with Variables :- What is a Variable?; Data Types; Integer; Floating-Point Numbers

(String, Date, Boolean, Currency, Object, What Are Variant Variables?. What Does It Mean to

Declare a Variable?, Why Use Explicit Declarations in VBScript?, How Do You Name a

Variable?, Constants, Arrays, How Do You Determine Your Variable’s Type?); VB Script

Operators (Assignment Operators, Mathematical Operators, Subtraction, Multiplication , Division,

Integer Division, Modulus, Exponentiation, Negation Concatenation, Comparison Operators,

Logical Operators).

Understanding VBScript Control Structures :- What Is a Control Structures; Types of Controls

(Conditional Logic, Looping Logic, Branching Logic); Control Structure Examples (Conditional

Logic Controls, Looping Logic Controls, Branching Logic Controls).

Using VBScript’s Built-In Functions :- Typecasting Variables (What is Typecasting and Why

Should I Typecast?, How to Typecast Your Variables); Formatting Functions; Math Functions;

Date Functions (Working with Date Values, Breaking Down Date Values); String Functions; Other


Working with Objects :- What are objects?; The Building Blocks of Objects (Properties,

Methods, Instances of Objects); Built-in ASP Objects (Response Objects, Request Object,

Application Object, Session Object, Server Object, ObjectContext Object, ASPError Object);

Collections; Working with Objects; Events.

Using the Response Object :- What is the Response Object; Dissecting the Response Object

(Sending HTML to the Browser, Buffering ASP Pages, Sending the User to Another Page,

Cookies, Caching Your ASP Pages).

Communicating with the User :- Receiving Information from the User (What are Forms?,

Creating Forms, Designing Forms, Submitting Forms, Reading Form Values from an ASP Page);

Using Advanced Form Techniques (Revisiting the ACTION Property, Client-Side Form

Validation); Using the Different Form Fields (Text Boxes, List Boxes, Check Boxes, Radio

Buttons, Choosing your Checkboxes and Radio Buttons).

Collecting the Form Information :- Retrieving the Results of a Form (Using the Request

Object); Using the Query string to Send Information,

Working with the Request Object :- Accessing the HTTP Headers (Useful HTTP Headers,

Reading the HTTP Headers with Request. Server Variables); Accessing the Environment

Variables (Useful Environment Variables, Reading the Environment Variables Using Request.

Server Variables); Using Cookies (What are Cookies?, How to Read Cookies Using the Request

Object, How to Write Cookies Using the Response Object, Advantages and Disadvantages of

Using Cookies.

Maintaining Persistent Information on the Web :- It’s a Fact: The Web Is Stateless (Ways to

Maintain State); The Session Object (Using Session Variables, Pitfalls of Session Variables,

Session Variables Without Cookies); The Application Object (Using Application Variables, Pitfalls

of Application Variables); Initializing Application and Session Variables (Creating a Global. asa


Debugging You ASP scripts and Handling Errors :- Debugging Your ASP Scripts (Debugging

Fatal Bugs, Debugging Nonfatal Bugs); Handling ASP Errors Gracefully (Using the Err Object,

Using the ASP Error Object); Handling Non-ASP Errors Gracefully.

Using Databases :- What Are Relational Databases ?(Common Relational Databases); Why Use

Databases ?; Working with Databases Using ASP.

Reading from a Database Using ASP :- Databases and ASP (Communicating with a Database

Using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)); Connecting to a Database (The Connection Object, Using a

System DSN, Using a DSN-less Connection, Opening the Connection, Closing the Connection,

Properties of the Connection); Reading Data from a Database (The Record set Object, Using

Adovbs .inc, Reading and Displaying the Contents of a Database Table).

Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Database Records :- Inserting Records (Lock Types,

AddNew and Update); Updating Records; Deleting Records.

Examining the Record Set Object :- Enhancing Information Retrieval (Using the Fields

Collection); Understanding the Cursor Type and Cursor Location Properties; Sorting Record sets;

Filtering Record sets (Filtering Record sets Bases on User Input).

Using SQL Statements to Query Data :- What is SQL ? (Executing SQL Statements Using ASP

and ADO); The SELECT SQL Statement (Using the WHERE Clause, Iterating Through

Record sets Generated by SQL Statements); Allowing Users to Query Data.
