Introduction: Application programs and system programs; functions of an operating
system; classification of operating systems-Multi-user, multiprogramming,
multiprocessing, time sharing, multi-threaded. Subsystems – Top Layer, Middle Layer,
Bottom Layer, Bootstrap, Protection and security.
Processes and Threads: Program vs. Process; Process context, address space,
identification, transition, state & management. Thread management-benefits,
synchronization issues; applications of threads.
CPU Management: Objectives, Pre-emptive vs. Non-pre-emptive, context switching,
scheduling schemes; multi-processor scheduling, thread scheduling.
Inter-process Communications: Introduction, message passing model, shared
memory model. Pipe, FIFO and Socket.
Memory Management: Introduction, address binding, relocation, loading, linking,
memory sharing and protection; Paging and segmentation; Virtual memory: basic
concepts of demand paging, performance, page replacement. Thrashing.
I/O Device Management: I/O devices and controllers, device drivers; disk storage,
scheduling and management.
File Management: Basic concepts, file operations, access methods, directory
structures and management, remote file systems; file protection.
Protection & Security: Need, environments: software, hardware, unauthorized use,
denial of services, access control and authentication. Application security, attacks, virus
& anti-virus, firewall.